Page 6 - Grindaix_Coolant System Quick Check_Brochure
P. 6

Advantages       Quick-Check      Saving potential  Coolant as a service  Contact

       Application report: Identify saving potential!

       In  a  case  study,  a  production  unit  with  54  machine  tools  was  optimized.  The  consumption  of  cooling  lubricant  was
       reduced by 38% without any loss of productivity or quality. As a result, 30% of the electrical cooling capacity could be
       saved. In addition, the throughput of the coolant filtration system was significantly reduced. The coolant purity increased
       and wear-related machine failures decreased.

       In total,  €285K in coolant-related costs were saved annually (already in the first year of operation).
       The investment in optimization measures amounted to €136K so that the return on investment was achieved after only
       6 months.
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