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P. 56

MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL SYSTEMS                                                                                                                                                                    MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL SYSTEMS


          When combined with Grindaix hardware, the Grindaix monitoring software package provides the
          foundation for making processes digital. While data acquisition is achieved with Grindaix hardware,
          the software takes care of data storage, data display and process monitoring. The data recorded by
          the hardware is stored in the software in an SQLite database with time stamp. To visualise the data,                   “ Data storage, data display and
          the Dashboard, which is completely compatible with all devices and operating systems, is called up                             process monitoring !”                                             from €0.24/h *
          via a web client (browser). In the Dashboard, the measurement data is assigned to the individual pro-
          cesses and thus displayed in a structured way. Based on current and historical data, trends or devia-
          tions can be detected by the customer at an early stage and optimization potential derived.

          The Grindaix monitoring software package offers the possibility of storing process variables from the
          production environment in a database and displaying the data graphically on the Grindaix Dashboard.
          Furthermore, limit values (warning, alarm) can be defined for process monitoring, and a limit value
          violation can be signalled.

          D   Grindaix Dashboard
             - Historisation of process variables
             - Historisation of limit value violations
             - Process value display
             - Process monitoring
             - User administration & access security
             - Complete device and operating system compatibility
             - Access via web client (HTML5, SVG)
          D   SQLite database
          D   OPC UA client-server architecture (multiclient)

                                                                                                                                                                                   “ Recognise trends or deviations

                                                                                                                                                                                       at an early stage and derive

                                                                                                                                                                                         optimization potential !”

          56                                                                                                                                                      *Calculation basis: 10 years useful life, 220 working days/year, 3-shift operation = 24h/working day  57
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