Page 60 - Grindaix-product-catalogue-english
P. 60

MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL SYSTEMS                                                                                                                                                                    MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL SYSTEMS

                                                              1. ON-SITE ANALYSIS

                                                              We visit you at your company, record your current
                                                              digitalisation  status  as well  as  the requirements
                                                              regarding your desired digitalisation technology.
                                                              During an on-site appointment, we will examine
                                                              potential locations for installing both your cho-
                                                              sen sensor technology as well as hardware com-
                                                              ponents. In addition, we will determine cabling
                                                              options together with you, and we will analyse
                                                              accessibility and implementation possibilities for
                                                              the  installation of the entire Grindaix digitalisa-
                                                              tion package. Together with your colleagues, we                    4. COMMISSIONING
                                                              will discuss IT connection options as well as the
                                                              possibility of using of an IT-independent pilot sys-               During commissioning, all the sensors you require are reproducibly addressed in the Grindaix server
                                                              tem. The preliminary visit is initially free of charge             for each machine. This addressing process is documented in an address protocol. Afterwards, sensor
                                                              and will only be invoiced upon placement of an                     parameterisation is carried out. This involves determining the limit values for each individual sensor,
                                                              order at a later date.                                             defining corresponding error signals via the evaluation software included in the supplied and pre-in-
                                                                                                                                 stalled Grindaix software package (Dashboard), and checking the connection of your additional digital
          2. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION                                                                                             input and output signals per machine. Finally, we carry out a plausibility check to monitor the data
                                                                                                                                 output values and display of all installed sensors.
          Upon request, we can take on the installation and
          cabling of all hardware components as well as the
          associated connection of previously installed sen-                                                                     5. TRAINING YOUR EMPLOYEES
          sors and the digital signals provided on the custo-
          mer side. To carry this out, we use your electri-                                                                      Our system is designed in such a way that our customers, as experienced professionals, can intuitively
          cal infrastructure, such as cable ducts and cable                                                                      understand and immediately operate Grindaix hardware and software solutions. Detailed documenta-
          shafts, and document the electrical installation                                                                       tion as well as installation videos accompany and support you by addressing any installation questions
          according  to  your  specifications.  We  would  be                                                                    that may arise before, during and after installation. Upon request, we can also offer comprehensive
          happy to coordinate our efforts with your on-site                                                                      on-site training to your employees. Alternatively, your employees are welcome to participate in our
          maintenance department.                                                                                                in-house training courses to receive instruction on handling this digitalisation technology. Should you
                                                                                                                                 have any remaining questions, a Grindaix Monitoring Hotline is available to you.

                                                               3. INSTALLATION OF SENSORS

                                                               Working in close collaboration with your main-
                                                               tenance department, we can take on the installa-
                                                               tion of all new sensors as well as the connection
                                                               of existing ones. In so doing, we check for feasibi-
                                                               lity and determine appropriate courses of action.
                                                               Additionally, we advise you regarding the imple-
                                                               mentation of mechanical work. The digital signals
                                                               from your machine control systems, such as ma-
                                                               chine ON/OFF/in production/cycle type, compo-
                                                               nent number, are provided on the customer side
                                                               in liaison with our technicians.

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