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P. 7

LOOKING AT  In order to optimise the entire lubricool-

          ant supply system, the following aspects
 LUBRICOOLANT  need to be taken in account:


                  Lubricoolant nozzles                                    for technologies such as
                  Mechanical aids such as                                    -  lubricoolant filtration technology
                     -  air spoilers                                         -  pressure control technology (constant
                     -  nozzle wear protection systems                        pressure, cycle-adaptive)
                     -  nozzle cleaning systems based on
                      compressed air

                  A requirements-based 24/7 real-time lubricoolant         A complete on-site technical analysis (Coolant Audit®)
                  monitoring and measurement technology for the            with regard to:
                  digitalisation of process-relevant lubricoolant data on all     -  the pump design
                  your production machines. This data includes               -  lubricoolant piping systems and the professional
                     -  pressures                                             dimensioning thereof
                     -  volume flows                                         -  pressure control technology (valves, controls
 TECHNOLOGY                           AND CONTROL SYSTEMS
 GRINDAIX            -  temperatures                                         -  and lubricoolant filtration services
 INDUSTRY 4.0        -  lubricoolant purity
                  In the case of emulsions, chemical variables also need to
                  be considered. These include
                             LUBRICOOLANT SYSTEM                 LUBRICOOLANT SYSTEM
                     -  pH value
                     -  concentration
                     -  conductance
 ANALYSIS / RETROFIT                                       COMPONENTS
                     -  as well as bacterial attack (CFU)
                  Electronic operating aids such as
                     -  laser positioning systems
                     -  mobile display devices for visualization

                       “We do not fight symptoms, but

                 rather we eliminate the cause of your

                   productivity losses originating from

                        the lubricoolant supply sytem!”

 Merely replacing a lubricoolant nozzle may not necessarily be a cost-efficient means of improving the production process in a
 sustainable and robust way. Both the pressure and volume flow of a nozzle as well as the lubricoolant purity play just as important a
 role as the nozzle itself. The engineers at Grindaix thus recommend ensuring that the entire lubricoolant supply system is successively
 adapted to the machining task in order to avoid losing the overview in time-consuming and costly piecework.
          Thanks to our 15 years of experience on more than 20,000 optimised machine tools, we have mastered the complex interaction of
 Even if the best nozzle has been selected and the optimum volume flow is available at a pressure that meets the requirements for   the numerous influencing factors to ensure successful lubricoolant supply technology. When optimising the lubricoolant supply, our
 each cycle (rouging, finishing, fine finishing), it is clear that the lubricoolant supply is only effective if it is directed to the grinding   additional know-how in production engineering and material sciences also enables us to identify problems in other areas that have
 zone in the correct position. To put it in plain language: “The greatest nozzle in the world cannot unleash its full potential if the   an effect on the overheating of components (e.g. component material composition, dressing, tool selection, process control, etc.) in
 lubricoolant it is spraying misses the mark!” For this reason, the Grindaix team not only offers lubricoolant nozzles of all types but   all production areas and thus to improve the process in an integrated and sustainable way in close cooperation with the customer.
 also complete lubricoolant supply systems from a single professional source as well as comprehensive engineering services when
 it comes to the lubricoolant supply of new and existing machines.  Place your trust in the comprehensive optimisation capabilities of Team Grindaix!

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