Page 78 - Grindaix-product-catalogue-english
P. 78

LUBRICOOLANT SYSTEM COMPONENTS                                                                                                                                                                     LUBRICOOLANT SYSTEM COMPONENTS
          VOLUME FLOW SENSOR                                                                                                     DISTRIBUTOR BLOCKS

          In many places the volume flow measurement in cooling lubricant systems is only rarely carried out, or manually, using external   Some applications require individual throttling of specific nozzle segments or even of several individual nozzles within
          measuring devices. For future monitoring of the coolant supply to machine tools in the course of the Industry 4.0 initiative, robust   the machine tool. We offer distributor blocks in various sizes for the individual adjustment or different lubricoolant
          volume flow sensors are indispensable. Due to the contamination of the cooling lubricant, however, commercially available volume   consumers within a machine tool. Starting with a central lubricoolant supply interface, various outlets can be individually
          flow sensors are often very susceptible to wear and tear and therefore cost-intensive.                                 regulated via a ball valve and thus set to the desired operating point.

          As an alternative to the use of wear-prone measuring technology, the team at Grindaix GmbH has developed a virtually wear-free   For our distributor blocks, we only use high-quality and durable components that have been tested for their lubricoolant
          volume flow sensor for cooling lubricants. It is based on the principle of the „Venturi Effect“ report published in 1797 by Giovanni   resistance.
          Battista Venturi.

          With the help of innovative 3D printing techniques, it was possible to develop a reliable sensor which offers this measuring
          effect with only low pressure losses for the coolant supply of machine tools. The measuring principle combines very high wear
          resistance with very high measuring reliability (< 5 %). No moving parts in the medium are required to record the measured
          values. This results in a decisive advantage: a robust and durable volume flow sensor.

          We recommend the use of our „Coolant Display“ to display the volume flow rate. The sensor was developed for different volume
          flow rate classes. The smallest sensor measures in the range < 150 l/min.

          GRX-Q is suitable for almost wear-free volume flow measurement of almost all liquids. In addition to the volume flow rate, the
          pressure in the pipe system and the prevailing temperature of the medium are measured at the same time.
          Each sensor leaves Grindaix after passing through a test run to determine the exact product characteristic curve.


                easy installation                                   industry 4.0 compatible

                almost wear-free                                    for fluids (oils, emulsions, water), gases and vapours

                measurement reliability <5%                         suitable for all commercially available monitoring systems


                                                                                                                                      Individual throttling of various lubricoolant consumers  Durable

                                                                                                                                      High-quality processing                               Only one central lubricoolant supply connection required

                                                                                                                                      Easy assembly

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