Page 84 - Grindaix-product-catalogue-english
P. 84

LUBRICOOLANT SYSTEM COMPONENTS                                                                                                                                                                     LUBRICOOLANT SYSTEM COMPONENTS



          RETROFIT KIT FOR PRODUCTION LINES                                                                                      Conventional lubricoolant system:

                                                                                                                                                                           Machine 1      Machine 2     Machine 3      Machine 4
                  “The first machine gets too much,                                                                                        Central system

                      the last too little lubricoolant?

                                           ... what now?”
                                                                                                                                                            pump                  Ball valves are individually
                                                                                                                                                                                  readjusted depending on
                                                                                                                                                                                  the supply situation.

          For the efficient and reliable operation of your central lubricoolant supply system without a risk of grinding burn, the Grindaix team has
          developed a sophisticated automatic control system to guarantee consistent lubricoolant pressures within the machine supply lines for
          all machine tools connected to the central supply.
                                                                                                                                                       Pumps do not run at the optimum    Flow-dependent pressure losses in the
                                                                                                                                                       operating point and are subject to   pipelines lead to an undersupply of the
          In this way, we effectively avoid different feed pressures in the lubricoolant supply line to the machine tool and the problems associated   uneven loads.                      machines at high dispensing volumes.
          with this, such as oversupply of the machine tools positioned close to the pressure supply or undersupply of the machining task in the
          case of machines that are further away from the pressure supply.

          With the aid of pressure control valves, the supply pressure on the pump side is throttled individually for each machine, so that all
          grinding nozzles in the lubricoolant system supply the grinding site consistently and reliably with the desired amount of lubricoolant at                                              THE SOLUTION!
          the ideal lubricoolant exit speed.

          By constantly checking and adjusting the pump speeds and the number of pumps in operation, our intelligent pump control system
          can provide a consistent supply pressure to each machine, independent of fluctuating individual lubricoolant dispensing volumes at the
          machines, while at the same time reducing energy and maintenance costs. Automated control eliminates the need for individual, manual   Modernised lubricoolant system:
          adjustments via ball valves, thereby ensuring consistent reproducibility of the lubricoolant supply conditions.

          Don’t leave anything to chance! Contact us to have your production line professionally equipped with Grindaix consistent pressure        Backflow
          control.                                                                                                                                                         Machine 1      Machine 2     Machine 3      Machine 4

                                                                                                                                           Central system


               Avoidance of lubricoolant pressure impacts           More robust lubricoolant supply
               Avoidance of lubricoolant over- or undersupply       Stable manufacturing processes                                                     Controlled pump

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