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P. 93

GRINDAIX SERVICES                                                                                GRINDAIX SERVICES


           AUDIT TYPE                                                          F1       F2       F3       F4
 Many problems in production can stem from lubricoolant filtration systems as, these are complex components in industrial
 production and are responsible to a considerable extent for production quality and reliability. Often, however, the filtration   For existing machines
 system is a “black box” within lubricoolant supply, as the properties of the supplied lubricoolant (e.g. dirt load percentage)
 are not really known and the level of purity following filtration cannot be calculated reliably. Yet these filtration parameters   For new procurements
 are very important and have a significant impact on production. This situation usually leads to considerable problems if filtra-
 tion-related quality defects or production downtimes occur. Furthermore, a filtration system that is overdimensioned and not   GOALS
 based on needs generates additional costs in terms of procurement, operation and maintenance. That doesn’t have to be the   Performance testing for decentralised filtration
 case – our filtration professionals can put your filtration system to the test.  For individual machine < 3 machines

           Performance testing for central lubricoolant systems > 3 machines
           Selection/evaluation of a lubricoolant filtration system that is ideal
           for the customer
 “We’ll find out which system  ON-SITE ANALYSIS
           Identifying existing problems caused by lubricoolant contamination
 precisely suits your needs!”  Lubricoolant purity classes and requirements

           Required filtration performance (dirt load/lubricoolant volume)
           Analysis of the efficiency of the existing lubricoolant filtration system

 PROCEDURE FOR A COOLANT AUDIT F  Generation of specifications
           Technical catalogue of measures
           Retrofit planning (engineering concept)
 1  Visit to your production environment  2  Drawing up specifications  Analysis of the various alternative solutions
 Our technicians visit you with all the necessary   We draw up a selection of all filtration principles
 measurement equipment and analyse your filtration   under consideration, incl. lubricoolant cooling   Parts list
 tasks (dirt load, purity level, etc.) on site.  systems, and check that they can be structurally   Call for tenders
 integrated into your production environment.
           Quotation overview, including technical and financial evaluation
 3  Call for tenders  4  Investment benchmark  Rapid information procurement
 We will carry out the entire tendering process on your   Comparison of all submitted tenders from a technical,
 behalf, based on the specific requirements of your   economic and environmental standpoint, incl. tender   Product-neutral support
 lubricoolant filtration system. The call for tenders is   assessment and creation of a ranking table.  Transparency
 carried out anonymously.
           Cost-optimised solution development
           Clear comparability from a technical, financial and organisational standpoint

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