Our strong partners make us even stronger.

With Grindaix you can always rely on the best – to ensure this, we cooperate with selected partners who stand for absolute excellence in their fields. Thus you profit from the latest research insights or from the specialist know-how of our experienced industry professionals. You and your company deserve it!



Grindaix Lubricoolant Modular System – "Everything from one source"

Grindaix identifies savings and any undersupply situations. The aim is to increase process performance while avoiding waste of lubricoolants.

Based on the results, the Grindaix team developes a technical proposal to update your machine and calculates the payback.

We are supported by our professional partners with their respective areas of knowledge:




Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL) of RWTH Aachen University




Get more information:WZL Aachen


We take part at numerous German professional conferences for production technology. We learn and teach to keep up to date with current research.




For further information, please visit: www.schleiftagung.de



[Translate to Englisch:] Marken

Our PART FACTORY online portal now allows business customers to order the parts they require and have them delivered quickly, simply, at low cost and in the highest quality.


For further information, please visit: www.partfactory.com