We make professional machine tool conversions and deliver all you need for a more efficient lubricoolant system.

Welcome to grindaix!

We specialise in optimising and modifying the lubricoolant supply systems for your machine tools and in designing lubricoolant filtration systems that conform to technical, economic and environmental requirements.

Or to put it simply: the technical solutions from grindaix let you avoid any waist of lubricoolant in your metal processing work.

Our young, innovative company, a spin-off from RWTH-Aachen, is dedicated to a solid yet very simple concept: a locally based, highly professional CRAFT solution to improve the productivity of manufacturing plants. Increased productivity and at the same time the avoidance of unnecessary demands on resources - that is our objective.

Put your trust in German teamwork of the highest professional level - put your trust in the grindaix team!

Roman Stabauer - CEO

Made in Germany

We are proud of one German cliché which happily is also true: “Made in Germany” is a symbol across the whole world for the highest level of competence, outstanding quality and absolute reliability! Following this tradition, the focus at grindaix is on highly specialized engineering know-how from Germany which is applied by highly professional skilled workers and developers.

Many years’ experience, intensive research and a passion for work has made us specialists in our area, namely in the downsizing of lubricoolant systems in metal processing. Profit from our competence made in Germany!


You can associate two things with us which, at first, could not appear more different, namely maximizing return on investment and ecological corporate behaviour. Together we develop and implement measures for preparing your production operations to meet the various challenges of the future.

On the one hand that means rapid and long-term optimization of your productivity. On the other hand our products and services allow you to achieve lasting and sustainable handling of energy and resources by consistently reducing lubricoolant volume.