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GRINDAIX NOZZLES                                                                                                                                                                                                GRINDAIX NOZZLES
          GRINDAIX NOZZLES                                                                                                       SURFACE GRINDING

          3D PRINTING                                                                                                            Our Grindaix flat spray nozzle as a 3D-printed design enables reliable and targeted

                                                                                                                                 lubricoolant supply wherever flat spray nozzles produced by conventional processes
                                                                                                                                 cannot be used. Thanks to the design advantages of 3D printing, we have managed
                                                                                                                                 to further improve the flow dynamics within the nozzle. As with all our nozzles, you
                                                                                                                                 also receive a characteristic curve with our 3D-printed types. The flexible “gFlex”
                                                                                                                                 articulated tube system from Grindaix allows all 3D-printed nozzles to be installed in
                                                                                                                                 the machine tool in a simple way, with position stability and a pressure resistance of
                                                                                                                                 up to 50 bar.

                           Where it makes sense, we produce your future Grindaix nozzles using state-of-the-art 3D printing
                           processes. We can carry this out quickly and free of all restrictions posed by conventional produc-         ADVANTAGES
                           tion processes – with perfect customization to your particular grinding task.
                           Innovative 3D printing cannot generally be used across the entire range of mechanical parts. That
                           said, the undisputed advantages of this process lie in the production-independent, geometrical             Flow-optimised nozzle geo-          Can be combined with the
                           freedom it offers. Previously inaccessible areas in the machining process can now be supplied              metry                               gFlex tube system
                           sufficiently by implementing highly complex nozzle geometries. Until now, it was either not
                           possible or not feasible to produce such nozzle geometries using conventional production                   Defined exit speed                  Radiographic quality analysis
                           processes (turning, milling, drilling).
                                                                                                                                      Targeted lubricoolant supply        Available in all supply widths
                           Grindaix cooperates with 3D printing professionals!

                           In cooperation with renowned 3D printing experts and SLM machine manufacturers, Grindaix has
                           been able to establish the entire value-adding chain for the production of 3D printing components.
                           This includes know-how and experience with regard to a functionally optimised product design, the
                           corresponding 3D-compatible CAD design as well as the manufacture of components, including
                           post-processing steps, for a Grindaix nozzle quality that meets the requirements. Furthermore,
                           field tests are carried out on simulation test benches before being tested in an industrial context
                           on machine tools. The iterative improvement of the nozzle products then follows on from this.

                           The challenges of producing Grindaix nozzles using 3D printing lie in the choice of laser sintering   INTERNAL CYLINDRICAL GRINDING
                           process parameters, the general material selection and composition,  maintaining  a uniform
                           metal powder granularity, achieving a homogeneous material consistency (print volume) as well
                           as in process control with regard to layer thicknesses, sinter densities and the resulting surface    For the optimum supply of internal cylindrical grinding processes, we have added
                           qualities on the outer and inner surface of the Grindaix nozzle that determine the intensity of       a 3D-printed nozzle to our product portfolio to complement our nozzle solutions
                           post-processing. All these steps must be combined attractively from a cost standpoint and, at the     manufactured by conventional processes. Besides design improvements, the flow dy-
                           same time, lead to a high user benefit, i.e. to maximum operator profitability.                       namics of the nozzle have also been improved. Under appropriately complex condi-
                                                                                                                                 tions, we recommend the use of a Grindaix 3D nozzle for internal cylindrical grinding
                                                                                                                                 developed especially for your grinding application.

                                 Minimum dimensions

                                                                                                                                      May be used in highly
                                 Optimum functionality                                                                                                                    Available in all supply widths
                                                                                                                                      confined assembly spaces
                                 No assembly restrictions                                                                             Targeted lubricoolant supply        Available in two evolution
                                                                                                                                      Can be combined with the
                                                                                                                                      gFlex tube system
                                                                                                                                      Radiographic quality analysis

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