Page 21 - Grindaix-product-catalogue-english
P. 21

GRINDAIX NOZZLES                                                                                  GRINDAIX NOZZLES


          The task of a lubricoolant nozzle may appear trivial at first. After all, it seems that its only job is to direct the lubri-
          coolant to the machining site where it is needed. Yet this is not true. Besides achieving targeted lubricoolant supply,
          the nozzles also perform a wide range of other tasks, as they have become highly engineered components of the
          lubricoolant supply system and make a significant contribution to the process reliability and efficiency of your pro-
          duction processes.

          Depending on the application and machining task, lubricoolant nozzles are used for the following:

              Process cooling: Reduction of heat generation in the chip formation process by decreasing
              friction (lubricating effect) and absorption of the process heat (cooling effect), allowing over-
              all prevention of thermal damage (e.g. grinding burn).

              Cleaning: Removal of machining residues from the pores of the grinding wheel bond to en-
              sure sustainable cutting action and sufficiently high lubricoolant absorption through the free
              pores of the grinding wheel bond.

              Saturation: Filling of the free grinding wheel pores with lubricoolant to achieve process
              cooling of difficult-to-reach machining zones.

              Extinguishing: Extinguishing the “spark jet” (hot chip particles behind the grinding zone) to
              reduce the risk of oil-aerosol deflagrations (only in the case of oil) as well as to minimise both
              wear of the affected machine components as well as machine contamination (in the case of oil
              and emulsion).

              Flushing: Flushing of the machine bed with lubricoolant to remove machining residues from
              the machine’s working area. This reduces the amount of manual cleaning required.

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