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P. 31

GRINDAIX NOZZLES                                                                                  GRINDAIX NOZZLES

 SATURATION  We offer a Grindaix dual nozzle for gear honing. As the name suggests,

          this nozzle fulfils two tasks. On the one hand, the assembled high-pressure
          nozzles clean the honing ring with lubricoolant and reliably remove any clog-
          ging; on the other hand, the free pores in the honing ring are saturated with
          lubricoolant. The lubricoolant is transported via the rotational movement of
          the honing ring into the machining zone. This nozzle is available for all honing
          ring geometries and is suitable for operation using a screw spindle pump or
          a centrifugal pump.  For mounting we recommend the articulated metal tube
          system, gFlex (positional stability and flexibility).
 During machining operations, cooling of the machining site is very important, as it effectively pre-
 vents grinding burn, thereby improving the surface quality and increasing tool life. However, the
 lubricoolant which is necessary for cooling cannot always be guided directly from the outside to   ADVANTAGES
 the machining site. This may be the case, for instance, if the required space is not available or if the
 production process does not permit it.
               Flexible positioning via the        The free pores of the grinding
 In such cases, good cooling may be achieved by transporting the lubricoolant to the grinding site   articulated metal tube system,   wheel are filled with
 via the grinding wheel pores. Our lubricoolant specialists from the Grindaix team have developed   gFlex  ubricoolant
 Grindaix nozzles for this purpose. These saturate the grinding wheel bond in a targeted way.  The honing ring is reliably   Protects the work gear from
               freed of clogging                   chipping
 The dual nozzle technology from Grindaix involves centralised lubricoolant supply using one nozzle
 in the low-pressure range (< 25bar) to clean the grinding wheel, saturate the free pore spaces and
 cool the grinding process. This multifunctional Grindaix nozzle is positioned above the grinding gap.
 This minimizes the need for adjustment as the diameter of the grinding wheel decreases. Using our
 flexible articulated metal tube system, these dual nozzles may be mounted simply and flexibly al-
 most anywhere in the machine space.

 Here, too, our Grindaix nozzles, including the relevant characteristic curve and the necessary design
 adjustments to suit your boundary conditions, are all included in the price. Lubricoolant supply
 achieved by additional saturation of the grinding wheel offers you many benefits.
 Grindaix nozzles are suitable for use with both emulsion and oil. We can find the suitable nozzle
 solution for all production processes!
          This dual nozzle offers cooling and cleaning rolled into one. Grindaix needle
          nozzles ensure a high lubricoolant exit speed, so that the lubricoolant en-
          ters the machining zone reliably and provides sufficient cooling. In addition,
 ADVANTAGES  several high-pressure lubricoolant nozzles are used which avoid loading of
          the grinding wheel. This leads to improved grinding results on the one hand,
          and to an increase in the service life of the grinding wheel on the other. For
 Reduction of grinding burn risk  optimum positioning of the lubricoolant supply nozzles, we recommend our
          Coolant Pointer.
 High lubricoolant exit speed

 Increase in productivity  ADVANTAGES

 Low lubricoolant requirement
               Lubricoolant conveyed into the      Reduces the risk of grinding
 Additionally cleans the grinding wheel  machining zone  burn
               High lubricoolant exit speed        Combined cooling and
 Extends tool life                                 cleaning nozzle
               Low lubricoolant requirement
 Improves the grinding results and parameters      Extends tool life

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